Video: How to make a path dynamic so that Power Query connections work on Dropbox shared files
Van: Celia Alves - Solve & Excel
Duur: 21:13
Voorbeeld van hoe je in een bestand de directory opvraagt van een online bestand en gebruikt in je query
Case Scenario: You have a file on a Dropbox folder that contains Power Query connections, and you need those connections to work regardless of the computer from which you open that file. Solution: Replace the path string in those queries by another string produced by another query that reads the location of the file when you open it. This video explains how you can: - Use the CELL formula to indicate file and folder paths - Create a query in Power Query that produces a text string - Replace the path string in the M code of a query - Change the privacy settings in Power Query to allow file and folder paths defined by queriesFuncties: -