Video: Store full table in one column? Excel Power Query puts records in one cell
Van: Mike Girvin - ExcelIsFun
Duur: 4:37
Meerdere kolommen met data als gegevenstype opslaan in één cel.
Learn how to: 1. (00:00) Introduction 2. (00:19) Power Query Create Data Types 3. (01:46) Records in Cell. View Car. Add Column 4. (02:07) Data Validation to select a full record in a cell! 5. (02:33) Lookup element from records using Dot Operator. 6. (03:02) SUM a fully collapsed column with Dot Operator. 7. (03:35) Lookup a Column with the Dot Operator. 8. (03:52) Summary, Closing and Video Links
Functies: Table.CombineColumnsToRecord()